...первый сезон научитесь уже доверять друг другу
Sophie: “Eliot has an apple, you have an orange!”
Eliot: “I looove apples, apples are my favorite fruit!”
...Parker: “Good for you, Sparky!”
Eliot: “I don’t have to sit here and take this crap!” Sophie: “Do it for me!”
Eliot: “You have an Orange, now convince me, that I want the Orange, not the apple!”
*le sigh*
Eliot: “Imma take a bite!”
*le sigh²*
*le bite*
Parker: “I put a razor blade in that apple!”
*le gracefully spit out*
*le lol*
Eliot: ” Are you serious?”
Parker:”Maybe, but you know what doesn’t have a razor blade in it?”
Sophie: “I can’t believe you fell for that!”